Official Description: "Corruptors twist the forces of the universe to do their bidding. As a Corruptor, you might strike your foes down with blasts of fire, entomb them in ice, inject them with radiation, or curse them with pure darkness. As your foes are weakened, your (scourge) ability kicks in, increasing your damage to an enemy as their hit points drop. You can even impart a portion to your twisted power to your allies to protect them from harm, heal them, or increase the damage they deal. This wide array of abilities comes at a price. Your defenses aren't strong, and you can quickly attract the ire of your enemies if you aren't careful."
Primary: Ranged
Secondary: Buff/Debuff
Hit Points: Low
Damage: High
Icon: Fireball - The Corruptor's ranged attacks are the primary focus of the Archetype, but he can't generate the raw explosive force of a Blaster.
Scourge - The Corruptor is a dastardly villain indeed. As a Corruptor's foe health wanes, the Corruptor can start to land Scourge hits for up to Double Damage. The weaker the target is, the greater chance the Corruptor has of landing Scourge. Once the foe is weak enough, there is no escaping the Corruptor's wrath. The Corruptor shows no mercy.Critical Damage
The Corruptor has the following Power Sets to choose from:
The Corruptor is probably the most easily related to the Archetypes from the hero side of the game, and it is clearly a Defender with its Power Sets reversed. The damage of a Corruptor is quite a bit higher than that of a Defender, putting it closer to the Blaster, but it relies on its Secondary to buff and support its Primary, you cannot just rely on damage alone. As with the Defender, the various Buff/Debuff sets vary in their balance of offense versus defense, and thus they can change the capabilities of the Corruptor. The various "subarchetypes" which can be chosen for the Corruptor are detailed on this page.
Tips for playing the Corruptor:
While solo:
The Corruptor uses many of the tactics of the Blaster to avoid getting into melee range and taking serious damage. With more damage than a Defender, however, the Corruptor doesn't have to worry about evading enemies for very long periods of time, while trying to defeat them. With the Scourge ability, the Corruptor can often finish off a foe that is becoming too much of a threat. Even so, it is important to understand the tactics described in the Blaster section, so consult the tips for that Archetype for techniques useful to all ranged fighters.
Where the Corruptor has an advantage the Blaster does not is in his defense, and his ability to heal himself. The Corruptor cannot do a Blaster's level of damage alone, he relies on his buffs and debuffs to both get his damage up, and protect himself from the aggro that his debuffs will draw. The Corruptor rarely attacks as his first action in a fight, instead he prepares the battlefield, casting any AoE effects to weaken and slow his foes.
The Corruptor is essentially the subtype of Defender known as the "Offender". The Corruptor naturally does more damage than a Defender, so he doesn't have use slotting and concentrate specifically on his attacks to get their damage up. In addition, there are no Corruptor Buff Sets that do not provide some kind of offensive boost, so there is no reason for an Corruptor not to think in offensive terms. This makes him more soloable than the Defender, and more of a primary damage dealer when on a team.
Because the Corruptor does more damage, it is more Endurance efficient as well, although of course the Corruptor must watch his Endurance closely if he has debuff toggles to maintain. The Scourge ability, however, is a big help in the final stages of a fight. It increases the Corruptor's damage even further, and ensures that when Endurance is getting lowest, at the end of the fight, the weakest and most End efficient attacks can be sufficient to take out most foes quickly.
Also because of Scourge, never use your most powerful attacks on enemies that have a sliver of health left, that is a huge waste of energy. Even if you have to wait for a basic attack to recharge, wait on that attack, and use it. If you really must use a stronger attack that is available, switch targets and come back to the wounded foe once your attack has recharged. As with the Brute, the Corruptor has a use for the low End cost, weak, but fast recharging basic attacks that are available as the first attack in the Primary.
While on a team:
Don't let anyone tell you that your primary role in a group is to heal. While you certainly CAN heal, and do it very well (although nowhere as well as a Defender) the Corruptor is the primary ranged damage dealer in the game. It isn't the Mastermind, and it the Dominator specializes with single target attacks. By asking you not to use your AoE attacks to clear out the Minions in an enemy group, your allies are only crippling their team, and increasing their risk.
Of course, you will draw much more fire than a Blaster on a hero team, but you will also be able to better defend yourself from that fire, if you have set down your debuffs and weakened your foes. You can't do this as well as a Defender, though, so there is a very fine balance. You want to do enough damage to draw SOME aggro off of the Brute, without doing so much that you can't handle it.
Depending on your Secondary, you may choose to use your AoE attacks, and rely on your AoE debuffs to protect you, or concentrate fire on a single foe, and rely on single target debuffs. This will determine whether you take on the role of a Minion blaster, or concentrate on Lieutenants and Bosses. Of course, it's important to remember that firing at Bosses will often attract the aggro of their henchmen, but you can usually find a good target to concentrate fire on if that is your strength.
In a team, Scourge can be EXTREMELY useful, as it highlights the Corruptor's role on a group, to finish off the foes that his allies have already wounded. This is a typical tactic for Defenders, as well, and Corruptors actually are specifically designed around it. So always watch for weakened foes that you can take out quickly. Stalkers and Corruptors make natural teammates, as one can do massive damage with the first strike, while the other boosts the damage on his final strike. This can be an effective combination even up to Archvillains and Heroes, as foes with high hit points can allow you to Scourge repeatedly, and with your highest damage attacks.
Your ability to help your allies, as with a Defender, can be extremely useful, but it is not as much your primary role on the team. It is important to note that your ally defense, while useful, are not nearly as powerful as a Defender's. You are closer to a Controller in your ability to provide team buffs. So, you should not overextend your defenses, and expect them to turn Stalkers and Dominators into tanks. On the other hand, your offensive buffs can be VERY welcome to a Dominator, or even a Brute if he's having trouble building Fury. If you have a Power Set that has strong defenses, you can help a Brute build Fury by letting him take on more foes.